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    FEA & CFD


    ANSYS 2019 R2

    Digital transformation is impacting every industry by fundamentally transforming products and the way they are developed. Companies are searching for ways to take advantage of digital technologies to bring breakthrough products to market faster while reducing costs.

    ANSYS 2019 R2 delivers next-generation, pervasive engineering simulation to facilitate digital transformation. The latest functionalities accelerate, streamline and simplify the product design cycle, from ideation to operation, by enabling engineers to work together throughout all phases. In addition, this release empowers customers to do more with simulation in less time — through enhancements to our pre- and post-processing tools, solver performance and product integration.

    Specific enhancements include a revolutionary new ANSYS Mechanical user experience, simplified simulation of complex electronics, an ANSYS Fluent workflow that speeds meshing of dirty geometries, and new Granta material capabilities for structural analysis, among other vital updates. ANSYS 2019 R2 is a significant step forward in the progression of pervasive simulation solutions — accelerating digital transformation by making it increasingly easier for customers to improve business processes and shorten time to market.

    3D Design

    With this release, ANSYS Discovery Live continues to streamline and automate simulation with the addition of electrical conduction simulation, coupled multiphysics — including thermal stress — and instant validation and resurfacing of topology optimization results. This release also includes:

    • A new interactive legend and improved controls for refinement enhance immersive interaction with 3D simulation results.
    • A beta feature that automatically converts faceted topology optimization results to a precise surface-based CAD model to support cross-application workflows.

    ANSYS Discovery SpaceClaim features many improvements, including simulation model preparation with shared topology and updated import and export support for the latest file formats. Extended automated feature tracking and constraint sketching is also available in beta. With SpaceClaim XL, a newly introduced add-in, you can view, interact and make modifications to large assemblies without sacrificing speed or performance. The add-in may also be downloaded from the ANSYS Store.

    ANSYS Discovery AIM includes a new sharing tab for creating and visualizing shared topology for the purposes of conformal meshing. Other enhancements include the addition of nonlinear springs, which are often used to simulate the behaviour of bushings or mounts in automotive applications.

    Additive Manufacturing

    ANSYS Additive Prep, built right into ANSYS SpaceClaim, makes orienting parts and creating advanced support structures easy. The heat maps provide fast feedback on the amount of support, distortion tendency and build time. Support generation tools are fast and easy to use.

    The powerful, layered tet meshing in ANSYS Workbench Additive has been enhanced with the addition of symmetry for faster solution times on mirrored or repeating geometry. Other new features offer:

    • Options to include powder elements.
    • The ability to build on existing geometry.
    • The ability to perform stress-relief heat treatment simulations.
    • The ability to work with volumeless support geometries.

    ANSYS Additive Print has improved workflow and can better handle STL files for both part and support geometries.


    Experience new simulation capabilities for the design of 5G, autonomous and electrification technology with unprecedented design insight and analysis capability, including:

    • ANSYS HFSS SBR+ and accelerated Doppler processing for the design and analysis of radars used in ADAS, autonomous vehicles and other near-field radar systems.
    • ANSYS HFSS new TAU flex meshing capability — patent-pending meshing technology for faster, more reliable initial mesh generation.
    • ANSYS HFSS fast mode — automated setup to obtain design trend information in the fastest possible manner.
    • RF desense — efficient new workflow for the comprehensive desense analysis of wireless products.  3D component models — a library of HFSS 3D component models (a cooperative effort between ANSYS and Modelithics®) that provides simulation-ready building blocks for 5G and wireless communication systems design.
    • ANSYS Cloud — easy access to high-performance computing (HPC) through ANSYS Cloud directly from the ANSYS Electronics Desktop.

    Embedded Software

    ANSYS SCADE Test now includes tool qualification data for all SCADE Suite testing activities including testing the environment on a host, model coverage assessment and test execution on the target. SCADE Test for SCADE Suite is ready for qualification under:

    • DO-178C/DO-330 TQL-5.
    • DO-178B.

    It is also ready for certification under:

    • ISO 26262 TCL3.
    • IEC 61508 T2 or EN 50128 T2.

    With these qualification credits, you can avoid lengthy, costly reviews and verification activities when certifying and/or qualifying your safety-critical products.

    SCADE Solutions for ARINC 661 Compliant Applications offers efficiency improvements of up to 40 percent in a widget and graphical server creation, thanks to SCADE Server Creator for ARINC 661. This new user interface streamlines ARINC 661 widget and server creation and customization processes.


    An enhanced new ANSYS Fluent experience includes a task-based, fault-tolerant workflow so you can perform more computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis in less time, with less training than ever before. The new workflow uses a “wrapper” — a layer of mesh that covers up surface imperfections in the geometry — to speed meshing for nonwatertight (“dirty”) geometries. This is especially helpful in simulations of a car’s external aerodynamics, where the amount of detail renders manual geometry cleanup impractical. Complex models that previously took days or even weeks can now accurately mesh in hours.

    Other enhancements:

    • Reaction mechanism optimization in ANSYS Chemkin-Pro increases the speed of combustion simulations without sacrificing accuracy.
    • Parallel performance gains in ANSYS Forte speed full-cycle internal combustion (IC) engine simulations by 2X.
    • Hybrid meshing in ANSYS TurboGrid saves hours of hands-on time for meshing complex blade models.


    The Granta Materials Data for Simulation dataset is embedded in ANSYS Mechanical, following the acquisition of Granta Design. It offers easy access to the material property data needed for structural analysis and covers many important materials classes. You will save the time wasted searching for and converting data, and have greater confidence in your simulation inputs. The release also facilitates adding ANSYS CES Selector, the industry standard software for materials selection, to your portfolio of simulation solutions. With CES Selector, you can ensure that you optimize both your material and your design.


    ANSYS SPEOS lets you see optical simulation in a new light. Experience light simulation for optical system optimization and validation within a multiphysics environment.

    With the intuitive, comprehensive user interface in ANSYS SPEOS, you can increase productivity by computing GPUbased simulation previews in the ANSYS multiphysics ecosystem.

    SPEOS stretches the limits of digital transformation with innovative tools for light guide design and easier access to highperformance computing (HPC) technology. Its proprietary encrypted format embeds optical properties in the data while securing intellectual property, which makes collaboration between industry partners easier.

    By improving the simulation of lidar, a vital component in vehicle sensor vision, SPEOS is advancing the autonomous vehicle revolution.


    Significant upgrades have been made to the ANSYS Mechanical user interface to enhance productivity, ease of use and customization capabilities. An instant search and launch tool has been added so you can type in a few characters and quickly execute a command.

    The newly available Granta Materials Data for Simulation dataset adds hundreds of new materials that you can select directly from within Mechanical. This is accessible via the new materials selection tool that works with the existing material libraries.

    Level set, a topology optimization methodology, has also been added to Mechanical. This expands on the growing capabilities available to all engineers and designers.

    Advanced meshing features have been added to create a high-quality hex mesh even on complex geometries, as well as a revolutionary new technique to connect shell models.


    ANSYS medini analyze fully supports fault modes, effects and diagnostic analysis (FMEDA) on the semiconductor level, including verification of safety mechanism coverage data by fault injection. This enables you to comply with ISO 26262:11 2018. For reliability analysis of hardware components, medini analyze supports the failure rate computation

    based on the IEC 61709 handbook. Configuration management, as required by safety standards, has been simplified with a command line interface for seamless integration of medini analyze into your configuration management system (SVN, git, PTC, etc.).

    ANSYS Twin Builder makes it easier for you to quickly implement and edit Modelica components in their systems designs through enhanced workflow capabilities. Support for undo-redo and a new array connector dialog box are a few of these new capabilities. Also, new solver performance enhancements in Twin Builder improve performance up to 30 percent. Dynamic reduced-order model (ROM) builder now supports models for unlimited outputs based on singular value decomposition (SVD) reduction and a selection of its most dominant modes. You can also construct models of a partial selection of the outputs in dynamic ROM builder.

    ANSYS VRXPERIENCE continues to lead the autonomous revolution with new features for development, virtual testing and validation of systems. With the new physics-based GPU rendering, you can explore an interactive version of your SPEOS simulation model and obtain immediate results directly in ANSYS VRXPERIENCE. Its intuitive, comprehensive user experience lets you easily modify material, colors, light or viewpoint properties during your simulation with a simple drag and drop.

    The new ANSYS VRXPERIENCE Sound software adds a new sound simulation dimension to your product development toolbox. Improving the brand image and sound quality of your product is easy — simply listen to and modify the sound coming from a recording or CAE. ANSYS VRXPERIENCE Sound — a comprehensive solution for sound analysis, measurement of sound quality and 3D playback— is now connected to ANSYS Mechanical.

    ANSYS’ driving simulation platform simulates closed-loop advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD) testing scenarios with the new ANSYS VRXPERIENCE Driving Simulator powered by SCANeR™. You can virtually test your scenarios by connecting directly with ANSYS VRXPERIENCE Headlamp, ANSYS VRXPERIENCE Sensors and ANSYS VRXPERIENCE HMI. VRXPERIENCE Driving Simulator powered by SCANeR reduces physical testing and shortens the time to market by testing your autonomous driving systems in a digital framework.

