Systems Modeling and Simulation

As product complexity grows, so does the challenge of integrating the individual components in a system to ensure they work together as expected. Systems modeling and simulation helps you create a complete virtual prototype to understand and optimize the critical interactions between physics, controls and the environment throughout the product development process. Then by combining system modeling with sensors and big data, you can develop a digital twin of your product to manage its performance and maintenance after it has been deployed.

3-D physics, embedded software and systems simulation

ANSYS solutions for systems enable you to build complete virtual systems prototypes and digital twins. We offer the most advanced technologies for 3-D physics simulation, embedded systems and software design. You can assemble these different components into complete virtual prototypes of software-controlled, multidomain systems that can be used throughout the whole product lifecycle, from the initial concept to product operation.

Assess software, electronics and hardware designs together

The process of designing, developing and maintaining intelligent devices is far from trivial. The combination of software, electronics and hardware design challenges significantly increases the complexity of the product architecture and expands the scope of the engineering design. Intelligent, interconnected products have thousands of unique requirements that need to be served by a multiplicity of components, each of which have thousands of design parameters and interfaces that need to be engineered, verified and validated.

Optimize product design, operations and service

Systems simulation informs design choices and provides insight and validation of systems-level characteristics, functions, behaviour and performance. It goes beyond the design of individual parts and accurately captures the interacting effects of these parts. Further, systems simulation extends through the testing phase (to diminish costly physical testing of prototypes) and into product operation to optimally manage and maintain complex and expensive assets.

Integrated with 3-D physics and embedded software design

ANSYS Simplorer is tightly integrated with ANSYS solutions for 3-D multiphysics simulation and embedded software design. An entry-level version of ANSYS Simplorer is provided in the following products so that your component-level simulation results can be incorporated into a complete systems virtual prototype to verify and optimize for systems-level requirements.



ANSYS delivers a comprehensive design methodology for simulating complex products with electrical, electronic, thermo-fluid, mechanical and embedded software components. From the Internet of Things to automotive and avionic systems, ANSYS software
enables you to assemble and simulate complete system models. The methodology offers 3-D precision and reduced-order modeling for verifying multidomain system performance.


Optimizing complex mechatronic systems such as electric drives requires in-depth analysis, expertise and rigorous methodology. ANYS gives you powerful tools such as ANSYS Simplorer for simulating components individually and as part of a complex, integrated system.


Additive manufacturing is a method of fabricating complex parts layer-by- layer from a 3-D model. ANSYS additive manufacturing simulations help you to optimize your design for 3-D printing, determine any potential stresses or distortions in the design so they can be corrected upfront, and predict the microstructure of the part based on the thermal history during fabrication. Simulation eliminates trial and error and gives you confidence that the part can be successfully built the first time with sound structural properties.



ANSYS Simplorer is a powerful platform for modeling, simulating and analyzing virtual systems prototypes. It enables product development teams to verify and optimize performance of their software-controlled, multidomain systems designs.



ANSYS Simplorer is a powerful platform for modeling, simulating and analyzing virtual systems prototypes. It enables product development teams to verify and optimize the performance of their software-controlled, multidomain systems designs. Simplorer is used in model-based design flows in automotive, aerospace, electronics, energy and industrial equipment segments to model and simulate multidomain systems. With a unique ability to integrate high-fidelity models of power electronics, multidomain physics and embedded software, Simplorer is widely used for electrified system design, power generation, conversion, storage and distribution applications, EMI/EMC studies and general multidomain system optimization and verification.



Powerful Graphical Modeling

Simulate Create diagrams of multidomain system behavior using readily available model libraries, and standard languages and interfaces including VHDL-AMS, Modelica, C/C++ and the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI).

Extensive Model Libraries

Simulate Construct and parameterize system models at multiple levels of detail and fidelity using built-in libraries of physical components, electronic devices and control blocks.

Connections with ANSYS 3-D Physics

Simulate Create Reduced-Order Models (ROMs) from detailed 3-D simulations to accurately capture high-fidelity physics at the system level.

Integration with Embedded Software

Simulate Create Reduced-Order Models (ROMs) from detailed 3-D simulations to accurately capture high-fidelity physics at the system level.

Standards-Based Interoperability

Simulate Assemble system models and integrate with third party environments using the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard for model exchange and co-simulation.


Robust, High-Performing Solver Architecture

Simulate Simulate mixtures of engineering domains and continuous and discrete descriptions using industry-trusted solver technology.

Simulation-Based Test Environment

Simulate Test system models in the time and frequency domains, and run experiments to optimize performance and analyze robustness and reliability.

Powerful Waveform Analysis and Post-Processing

Simulate Analyze results graphically and use measurements and data transformations to extract performance insights from simulation outputs.

Flexible Scripting and Customization

Simulate Automate simulation workflows and develop custom toolkits with the built-in Python scripting environment.



ANSYS medini analyze implements key safety analysis methods (HAZOP, FTA, FMEA, FMEDA, CMA) in one integrated tool. It supports the efficient execution of the safety-related activities that are required by applicable safety standards.



ANSYS medini analyze implements key safety analysis methods (HAZOP, FTA, FMEA, FMEDA, CMA) in one integrated tool. It supports the efficient and consistent execution of the safety-related activities that are required by applicable safety standards. medini analyze offers state-of-the-art analysis methods bundled in a model-based environment:
  • Safety analysis and design according to ISO 26262 for E/E systems and software controlled safety-related functions

  • Integration of architectural/functional design with methods for quality, reliability and functional safety analysis

  • Support of operational situation analysis, hazard and risk analysis, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), probabilistic analysis and hardware failure metrics

  • Quality analysis for product design and related processes according to SAE J1739, VDA quality handbook, etc.

  • Complete end-to-end traceability

  • Customizable generation of work products and of documentation

  • Teamwork support including a sophisticated compare and merge technology

  • Integration with ANSYS SCADE Architect, IBM® Rational® DOORS, IBM® Rational® Rhapsody, Enterprise Architect, MATLAB®/Simulink®, Stateflow®, PTC Integrity, MS® Office, TortoiseSVN, IBM® Rational®

  • ClearCase, IBM® Rational® Team Concert and others



Safety Concept Modeling

Capture your functional, technical or HW/SW safety concepts in models integrating safety requirements, safety goals and safety architecture.

Model-Based Safety Analysis

Find and solve safety-critical issues in your safety concepts using inductive and deductive methods directly tied to your design models.

Reliability Prediction and Analysis

Evaluate the safety of your HW design based on well established standard reliability handbooks and widely used quantitative analysis methods like FTA or FMEDA.

Traceability and Validation

Validate the standard compliance of your safety concepts using integrated rich traceability and automatic constraint checking.



Collaborate in a team of safety engineers by sharing, comparing and merging safety projects, and integrate with task management systems for workflow support. Making the solutions effective for teams to get the idea across one place.



Collaborate in a team of safety engineers by sharing, comparing and merging safety projects, and integrate with task management systems for workflow support.


Integration into the Engineering Environment

Seamlessly exchange engineering and safety artifacts like requirements, design models based on interfaces, and standard management and design tools.

Customization and Process Adaptation

Adapt medini easily to company-specific processes, guidelines and templates.

ANSYS Product Integration

Benefit from the tight coupling of medini analyze with the ANSYS product family for system design, software development and system simulation.

Reporting and Documentation

Generate reports and all required safety documentation directly from your safety concepts, and analyze using a powerful reporting engine.



Electronics Desktop

Platform for electromagnetic, circuit and system simulations

Q3D Extractor

2D and 3D parasitic extraction for power electronic systems


Design of electrical and electromechanical devices

Mechanical Enterprise

Comprehensive suite of finite element analysis solutions


Model-based development for critical embedded software