ANSYS Mechanical Pro adds more features to the capabilities of ANSYS DesignSpace. It has the same user interface as DesignSpace, resulting in a fast learning experience and greater productivity for regular or occasional users.
ANSYS Mechanical Pro includes a comprehensive range of contact capabilities that enable you to account for the interactions of multiple parts. It can simulate everything from a bonded contact that treats joints between parts as if they are glued or welded together, to contact interfaces that allow parts to move apart.

More About ANSYS Mechanical Pro
- Being able to understand the immediate stresses and deformations a part undergoes is critical to structural analysis.
- Any part undergoing repeated loading may accumulate damage that will eventually result in part failure even though the loading is not close to the limits of the material.
- Fatigue analysis enables visualization of life and damage during cyclic loading and can help to predict where failure may occur and increase product durability.
Features of ANSYS Mechanical Pro
Analysis of geometric nonlinearities caused by large deflections means that much more accuracy can be accounted for due to effects such a stress stiffening. Linear assumptions during structural analysis could lead to inaccuracies.