SCADE Display is part of the ANSYS Embedded Software family of products, which provides you with a versatile graphics design and development environment for embedded Human Machine Interfaces (HMI).
With native support for the OpenGL® SC1 & SC2 (Safety Critical) and ES1 & ES2 (Embedded System) standards, SCADE Display represents a new generation of graphics software development tools, spanning prototyping, display design, simulation, verification and validation, and certified code generation supporting several safety standards in a certifiable environment.

More About SCADE Display
- SCADE Display is used as an HMI display software prototyping and development tool by leading companies in the aerospace, rail transportation, automotive, nuclear and industrial domains. It is ideally suited to support the design of critical embedded display systems (multifunction displays, head-up displays, automotive clusters, digital instrumentation and control panels, etc.), but also to create schematics (electrical, hydraulic or plant mimic diagrams), as well as 2-D/3-D simulator displays and trainers for drivers, pilots, crews or testing and maintenance teams.
Features of SCADE Display
SCADE Display facilitates
embedded graphics, display and HMI development, and certified code generation for safety-critical displays.
SCADE Display includes modules for advanced modeling of interactive HMIs, high-quality editing, integrated font management, design checking and configuration management.
SCADE Display gives you the unique capability to enforce compliance of a display specification to naming and graphical design rules in early design phases.
SCADE Display KCG features efficient code generation of readable, traceable and retargetable C code for embedded HMIs with native support of OpenGL SC1 & SC2, and ES1 & ES2 standards.
SCADE Display integrates seamlessly with ANSYS Simplorer and a large number of system simulation tools through the FMI co-simulation standard, to enable interactive multiphysics system simulation.
SCADE Display integrates with SCADE LifeCycle to provide support for requirements management and traceability, integrated configuration management and automatic documentation generation.
SCADE Display helps you to refine HMI software with behavioral logic in the SCADE Suite model-based development and verification environment.
SCADE Display supports simulation of graphical specifications in step-by-step or continuous mode, with the ability to load, play and record scenarios and produce snapshots.
SCADE Display integrates with SCADE Test to enable early HMI testing at the model level, featuring requirements-based scenario recording and execution, bitmap comparison and test conformance reports.
SCADE Display KCG C code generator has been qualified as a development tool for DO-178B software up to Level A and DO-178C/DO- 330 at TQL-1; certified for IEC 61508 at SIL 3 and for EN 50128 at SIL 3/4; and qualified for ISO 26262 software up to ASIL D.