The ANSYS 3-D Design products facilitate CAD modeling and simulation for all design engineers. Since the requirements on today’s design engineer to build optimized, lighter and smarter products are greater than ever, using suitable and appropriate design tools is more important than ever.

Ansys AIM

ANSYS AIM makes upfront simulation easy by combining intuitive, guided workflows, accurate simulation results and optimization in a complete simulation tool. Integrated geometry modelling based on ANSYS SpaceClaim technology helps you create new 3-D concept models.

3-D Design

Ansys AIM

Using AIM made moving from CAD-centric design to the world of high-fidelity simulation easy for designers at a leading automotive and marine supplier. Access to multiphysics tools has reduced costs, improved productivity and provided insights that were previously unavailable.











Upfront Simulation

Up to 80% of the cost of a product’s development is governed by the decisions you make early in the design process. Upfront simulation is digitally researching design concepts and testing critical design choices early in the product lifecycle using simulation. Upfront simulation gives you the information to make educated decisions, minimize costly physical prototypes, and avoid impractical designs moving forward. Upfront simulation helps you bring innovation to market faster and inexpensively.

Design Engineering

ANSYS AIM makes upfront simulation simple and straightforward by combining intuitive, guided workflows, accurate simulation results with precision and optimization in a complete simulation tool. Integrated geometry modeling based on ANSYS SpaceClaim technology helps you create new 3-D concept models, or edit/repair existing geometry. Whether a simulation includes electromagnetics, thermal, structures, or fluids or combinations thereof, all facets of simulation workflow are included in the single-window design, which allows you to predict complete product performance with results you can trust. AIM’s powerful parametric and optimization proficiency can automatically research the design space thoroughly and find the best design rapidly.

Customised Solutions

ANSYS AIM makes it effortless to extend simulation throughout an engineering organization. You can customize AIM’s user interfaces to fulfill your company’s standards for simulation, and create simulation templates for your unique industry applications. Because AIM includes fluids, structures, thermal and electromagnetics simulation proficiencies, engineers only need to learn one tool, minimizing training time and costs.


Discovery live

Discovery Live provides instantaneous simulation results through an interactive design exploration experience for fluids, structural, and thermal studies.With DiscoveryLive the physical product properties are instantaneously reflected, ie directly during geometry modelling.

3-D Design

Ansys Discover Live

ANSYS Discovery Live provides expeditious simulation, fitted closely with direct geometry modeling, to facilitate interactive design exploration and rapid product innovation. It is a synergistic experience in
which you can engineer geometry, materials and physics, and instantaneously see 3-D results.



ANSYS SpaceClaim enables anyone to create, edit, and repair geometry without worrying about underlying technology. With SpaceClaim, working with 3D modeling software becomes fast, easy, flexible, and rewarding, no matter where in the workflow you need it.ANSYS SpaceClaim allows you to Work

3-D Design

Ansys SpaceClaim

SpaceClaim’s exclusive user interface, modeling technology and versatile toolset enables you to easily create and remodel geometry without the intricacy associated with conventional CAD systems. When working with existing CAD models, you can de-feature and streamline geometry with automated, easy-to-learn tools. SpaceClaim is ideal for engineers who are pressed on time for heavy CAD tools but want to get fast and accurate answers using 3-D.









CAD Importing and Editing

Open and edit CAD files for concept design, manufacturing, 3D printing, reverse engineering and simulation. The removal, simplification or editing of intricate features are no problem for SpaceClaim’s remodeling and defeaturing tools. It’s effortless to change geometry on the fly.


You can think of SpaceClaim as a multifaceted 3-D modeler. Wherever 3-D data is or could be used, SpaceClaim offers coherent and effective gains for everyone involved.

Rapid Geometry Creations

SpaceClaim transcends at the rapid creation of any 3-D geometry. Streamlined tools and workflows mean in seconds you can develop rough concepts, detailed designs, tooling/fixtures, CAE related geometry, or reverse engineer an STL file into a clean 3D CAD model.

STL File Manipulation

With SpaceClaim’s multi-faceted data editing tools you can inquire, repair, and optimize STL files for downstream use such as 3-D printing and reverse engineering.

Model Repair

SpaceClaim’s automated repair tools expeditiously restore dirty and partially completed CAD files, boosting your time to mesh.

Simple Tools

With only 4 tools that perform 80% of the customary modeling tasks, you’ll find SpaceClaim the simplest and easiest CAD tool you’ll ever learn.
